Glendora Chamber

Telworx Business Series - Cloud Technology for Business
Today it seems you cannot discuss business technology without mentioning the cloud. While it seems that everyone is talking about it, many business leaders and owners still have a lot of questions. At Telworx, we are regularly asked:
· Is the cloud secure?
· Can we trust the cloud with client information?
· How do we know if we should migrate to the cloud?
· How do we start moving to the cloud?
· Which cloud technologies are right for my business?
If you have any questions about the cloud for your business, you are welcome to join us Tuesday morning, January 18, at 10:00 PST for an interactive discussion about the cloud.

Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
Thursday January 18, 2022 from 10:00AM to 11:00AM PST
Contact Information
John Bogdanov
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